
Monday, 12 November 2012

Road traffic appeals

If like a recent client you need your licence for work, in this case a taxi driver then please speak to your expert solicitor before the magistrates hearing.

We are coming across a number of cases where people are told they don't need a solicitor or try to save money by not speaking to a solicitor. They end up getting disqualified and then lose their jobs.

We as experts in road traffic can save your licence. The recent client had to suffer two months without his licence before we could win an appeal at the crown court to get it back.

Lts specialists

Thursday, 6 September 2012


As a game shooter myself I have personal as well as professional experience.

Most firearms units have finally accepted that they need to apply common sense but sadly there are still those that defy logic.

Pigeon shooters please remember that if you are near residential areas that you warn them before setting up. It would also be wise to warn the police in advance. It's not a requirement but can avoid unnecessary hassle.

Post shoot enjoyment is all well and good but remember if leaving your weapon in a vehicle it needs to be secured and if possible out of sight.

Enjoy your season but stay safe and legal

Sunday, 5 August 2012

York 10k

Well set out ok with intention of sub one hour however in a crowded run with a poorly leg just happy to finish.

All those who did it will know the soul destroying moment as we ran so close to the finish only to run away from it again. Still thought the race was well organised and a big hand to the marshalls.

Also have to commend the junior and mini races that were very well organised. My 4 year old was over the moon with his medal!!

Back to work tomorrow at the coal face of criminal defence

Friday, 13 July 2012

Speedy justice?

The main delays in court are due to the means testing system which if you happen to be employed or self employed means Upto weeks if you have to be assessed.

The cps can't serve primary disclosure in the current timescale so there is no chance of it managing faster.

Weekend courts and night courts seem not to take into account court staff prosecutors and defence solicitors having a life. Let's not worry about having time off and I am guessing no ffinancial compensation will be put forward.

Perhaps the government should spend all this time and money on a rise in legal aid rates for the first time in 20 years

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Why we do this job

Everyone I tell someone what I do they shake their heads and say " I couldn't do your job, how do you do it"

Most have little contact with the police or are too young to remember the good old pre- pace days. Officers using any methods necessary to get a confession whether guilty or not.

Most of my clients are illiterate those who can read and write left school at 16 with little on terms of qualifications. There are those who have mental health problems or learning difficulties

They get to court and are faced with a well educated articulate prosecutor who's job it is to get a conviction.

It is a civilised society that protects the less advantaged against the mistakes of the most advantaged.

A lot of our clients are guilty and deserve the same level of advocacy as the state provides for a victim. Not as many think to get them off but also to explain to the court their circumstances and problems that will assist the court in the most appropriate way forward.

We also do have many innocent clients who deserve the protection of the educated advocate. These can be teachers doctors builders etc

We are the guards who guard the guards.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

New website

We are very pleased that our new website launched today. Go on have a look you know you want to!!!

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Charity golf!!

Well we helped a good charity met the mayor and held closest to the pin for a while, but I don't think our score will trouble the leader board.

Taking a morning to play golf may sound like a bit of a jolly and to be fair we enjoyed it but raising thousands for charity made it all worth while.

Monday, 21 May 2012

Divide and rule

So the government has set barristers against solicitors using the rights of audience and hence fees debate.

It would seem that protagonists on both sides are falling for this when we should be unifying and fighting together against the overall slashing of of legal aid.

I for one think the bar have the right idea and action is needed to show the powers that be that cut after cut is unsustainable.

Let's fight together

Friday, 18 May 2012

Over cautioning

It has been obvious to those at the coal face that the government has been letting the police avoid court for offenders and serious offenders that if you stopped the man in the street they would expect to go to court.

Burglary, Gbh, Abh and sex offenders have been given cautions instead of being sent to court.

The police claim they are following guidelines set down by government the government today suggests the police have gone on a follie of their own. Those cynics/realists suggest it may have something to do with the costs saved by reducing the number of cases before the court.

Justice is being tinkered with by those who should know better simply for cost benefit reasons.

Dangerous Dogs

The changes brought forward by the new sentencing guidelines council highlight the need for owners to take responsibility for their four legged friends.

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Youth Court No entry

Got to love the Court we have been told we will no longer be able to speed up an already slow system by being in court and discussing matters when other cases being dealt with so the court can efficiently move from one case to another.

Instead we will have to wait outside it does stick in the throat given when it suits we have to be officers of the court especially for case management but in this case we are just like members of the public.
Rain Rain go away

As most criminal solicitors know weather affects the arrest rate and depending on your point of view this is either a silver lining or affecting your business. It has already had an affect here in an already poor period in terms of the arrest rate. Now the police can not expect to fool us into thinking there is less crime we know that just isnt true. question is what is affecting it so much?

Honestly a combination of poor policing, funding cuts for the police, charging standards being abandoned, the governments drive to avoid court and lastly you guessed it the weather. Given the economy and the government are not going to change soon i guess only the weather might!

Meet the team!!